3 Ways to Use AI in Marketing Teams

Artificial Intelligence, especially with the advent of ChatGPT, has made all companies interested in AI and wondering how they can integrate it into their business processes. There are departments where integration is easier than others or natural: I mean especially customer service…

But marketing isn’t far behind when it comes to where AI can really have a significant impact on teams. In this article, we’ll explore three specific use cases and the associated tools to implement them.

#1 Creating written content

One of the most common and effective use cases for artificial intelligence in marketing is writing blog posts. When ChatGPT came out, people were really amazed by its possibilities.

You only need to write 2 or 3 sentences in the description to write an entire blog article of 500 words.

But beware, we also quickly realized that the result is often a bit lackluster and above all, that Google is able to know that it is AI and therefore does not place it well on Google.

In short, if AI can’t help you write complete articles in under a minute, how can it help you?

Be more creative: AI helps you be more creative! If you are faced with a blank page, you may very well ask him to offer you help. You can also ask him to write down ideas in bulleted form and then select or develop them as inspiration comes to you, making the writing process less tedious and more fluid.

Be more productive: AI can help you type faster; it can help you correct some mistakes or rephrase certain sentences, for example speeding up proofreading.

As far as tools go, you can definitely use ChatGPT to help you with this task. However, there are also platforms that specialize in writing content with the help of AI, such as Jasper AI and Copy AI.

With their authoring interfaces, these tools are intuitive to use even for AI novices, allowing users to compose, edit and personalize their texts according to their needs. In addition to blog posts, they can help you write many other types of content such as emails, website copywriting, social media posts, etc.

#2 Pictures and videos

Today, images and videos are (even more) at the core of marketing teams’ content strategy. AI can play a key role here by helping marketing teams create personalized content at scale. Below are two specific examples and tools that can help you with this.

Automatically translate videos: With tools like Heygen, you can easily translate video content to reach international audiences, increasing the reach and impact of your marketing campaigns. All you have to do is load an existing video and select the target language to create a brand new video in minutes. The result is stunning because the AI ​​is responsible for making the lips move according to the new language.

Create personalized images and videos at scale: Artificial intelligence makes it possible to personalize visuals or videos for different audiences or platforms without having to start from scratch every time. For example, you can customize the design or message to suit your target customer. This can be especially useful for cold scouting, for example. Lemlist is a SaaS tool that can facilitate this process by automating the creation of personalized visual content using AI.

But pay attention to quality and authenticity. It’s really important to remember that using artificial intelligence to generate images and videos shouldn’t come at the expense of quality or authenticity. Visual content that is poor quality or seems too generic can erode trust and ultimately damage a brand’s image. It is therefore crucial to use these technologies wisely and ensure that the content generated reinforces your brand’s values ​​and identity.

#3 Duplicate formats

This is my favorite “feature” here! We spend hours making YouTube videos for example and posting them only on YouTube. However, we could very well use this video and edit the content to duplicate it to a different format. This optimizes our content and extends its reach without significant additional effort. Here are some examples of content conversions you can easily consider using AI.

Blog post video: You can easily turn your video content into blog posts. This is a particularly great idea for tutorials. There is a tool based on OpenAI, called video-to-blog.ai, that can transcribe a video or summarize the key points discussed, enhanced with additional comments and presented in a structured way to create a cohesive blog post.

Blog post on LinkedIn post: If you want to go even further, you can turn your blog post into a LinkedIn post. For example, ChatGPT will be able to take the main ideas from your blog post and condense them into a shorter, engaging LinkedIn post. As far as I know, there is no dedicated tool for this transformation yet, which is probably an interesting idea to build and test.

By moving your existing content to different platforms through artificial intelligence, you maximize your initial investment of time and resources while strengthening your online presence on multiple fronts, easily and affordably.


AI tools are proliferating and sometimes it is difficult to choose the right tools depending on the use cases. At Impli, we’ve created rankings of the most popular AI tools by different professions: sales, customer service, marketing, etc. Feel free to take a look.

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